prof. dr hab. Barbara Kaim
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Wydział Archeologii
Kierownik Polskiej Misji Archeologicznej w Iranie i Azji Środkowej
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- Archeologia Iranu i Azji Środkowej
Sektory wykopów na Gurukly Depe
Sezony badań na Gurukly Depe
- 2010 – 2011 – 2012 – 2013 – 2014 – 2015
Kierowanie badaniami na innych stanowiskach
- Tang-e Bulaghi (Iran)
- Khone-ye Div (Iran)
- Mele Hairam (Turkmenistan)
- with: Nazrij Buławka, The Sixth Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2015, Światowit XIII-XIV (LIV-LV)A/B, 2018, pp. 393-398,
- The Fifth Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2014, Światowit XII (LIII)/A, 2015, pp. 263-267,
- The Fourth Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2013, Światowit XI (LII)/A, 2014, pp. 241-246,
- The Third Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2012, Światowit X (LI)/A, 2013, pp. 203-207,
- Serakhs oasis at the crossroads of communication routes, Parthica, 2012, pp. 149-160.
- The Second Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2011, Światowit IX (L)/A, 2012, pp. 233-237,
- Victorious fire at Mele Hairam, Historical and Cultural sites of Turkmenistan, Asgabat 2011, pp. 303-335.
- Bone Reliefs from Fire Temple at Mele Hairam, South-West Turkmenistan, Iranica Antiqua 45, 2010, pp. 321–335.
- The First Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2010, Światowit VIII (XLIX)/A, 2011, pp. 207-208,
- with: Hassan Hashemi, Khone-ye Div. Preliminary Report on the first season of Irano-Polish excavation, Polish Archaeology in the Mediteranean, XIX, 2010, pp. 603-611.
- The Temples of Estakhr, Bāstānpazhuhi, vol. 3, No. 5, 2008 (2009), pp. 6-9.
- Polish Archaeologists in Iran. A Brief History of the Short but Fruitful Presence, in: Poland and Persia. Pages from the history of Polish-Persian relations, Teheran 2009, pp. 48-55.
- Investiture or mithra. Towards a new interpretation of so called investiture scenes in Parthian and Sasanian Art, Iranica Antiqua 44, 2009, pp. 403-415.
- with: Ali Asadi, The Achaemenid building at site 64 in Tang-e Bulaghi, Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 3, 2009,
PDF, 20 p.
- Najstarsze zoroastryjskie świątynie ognia, Blisko i daleko. Księga Jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii UW, Warszawa 2009, pp. 139-145.
- The Parthian settlements in the Serakhs oasis, Parthica, 2008, pp. 129-136.
- Où adorer les dieux?, Dossier d’Archéologie 371, 2007, pp. 66-71.
- Irano-polish excavation at the Site 64 in Tang-i Bulaghi, in: The Ninth Annual Symposium on Iranian Archaeology, Iranian National Museum, 9-12 December 2007, Teheran 2007, pp. 43-64.
- Ancient Fire Temples in the light of the discovery at Mele Hairam, Iranica Aniqua 2004, 39, pp. 323-338.