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Publikacje dotyczące Gurukly Depe

  • B. Kaim, N. Buławka, The Sixth Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2015, Światowit XIII-XIV (LIV-LV)A/B, 2018: 393-398, PDF.
  • B. Kaim, The Fifth Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2014, Światowit XII (LIII)/A, 2015: 263-267, PDF.
  • K. Szymczak, A Flint Tool Found During the Fifth Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2014, Światowit XII (LIII)/A, 2015: 268-270, PDF.
  • B. Kaim, The Fourth Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2013, Światowit XI (LII)/A, 2014: 241-246, PDF.
  • B. Kaim, The Third Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2012, Światowit X (LI)/A, 2013: 203-207, PDF.
  • B. Kaim, The Second Season of Excavations at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2011, Światowit IX (L)/A, 2012: 233-237, PDF.
  • B. Kaim, The First Season of Excavation at Gurukly Depe, Southern Turkmenistan, 2010, Światowit VIII (XLIX)/A, 2011: 207-208, PDF.